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Certificate in Integrative Embodied Psychotherapy 


This one year Certificate Programme is for you if:

  • You would like to become an 'embodied' practitioner - able to use your own body as a resource in your practice to be able to finely attune to your clients.

  • You would like to gain confidence and expertise in working with the body to help clients to heal.

  • You are a qualified counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist or arts therapist looking to learn somatic approaches that you can integrate effectively into your existing practice.

  • You would like to learn the specific skills and tools to help your clients heal from trauma at a somatic level

  • You enjoy learning experientially in a supportive and stimulating training environment, with like minded colleagues.

To gain a 'Certificate in Integrative Embodied Psychotherapy' you will need to:

  • Attend the assessment interview and be accepted on the certificate programme

  • Be a fully qualified and registered psychotherapist, counsellor or psychologist

  • Complete all modules of the Certificate programme

  • Attend minimum of 6 individual mentoring sessions to further develop your skills and confidence in Integrative Embodied Psychotherapy  

  • Attend Advanced skills in IEP module which will include a short practice assessment 

  • Complete a written piece on how you have applied Integrative Embodied Psychotherapy approaches in your practice

  • Complete all of the above within a period of one (and maximum of 2) years

  • Please note that pre-requisite for entering IEP certification programme is 2 years of personal therapy, prior to starting the programme, which is equivalent to min of 80 hours of therapy in total. (If you have less than this please get in touch to discuss). 

What the Certificate Programme involves:

This experiential  one year course  brings  together a  number of  therapeutic  methods, to craft an  integrative  somatic framework  that can be  used  by  both  ‘talking’  and  body-oriented  therapists. It draws on a range of techniques from the  practices  of body psychotherapy, dance movement psychotherapy, somatic experiencing, somatic trauma therapy, IFS, neuroscience,  creative  arts and  mindfulness, to enhance the repertoire  of interventions  you can  apply in  your psychotherapeutic  work.  


The certificated training involves attending all four weekend modules (listed below), as well as the Advance IEP skills module, which includes assessment practice session. You will also need to complete at least six 1:1 mentoring session (1 hour face to face or zoom sessions, with one of the course tutors), which you can start after completing 2 modules and a 2500 word written reflective piece on how you have integrated the somatic approaches learnt on the course, into your practice. During the last module in Advanced Skills there will be a short practical assessment, to assess your skills in Integrative Embodied Psychotherapy.

To gain a certificate in Integrative Embodied Psychotherapy, you must be a qualified psychotherapist (including art and drama therapists), counsellor or psychologist in clinical practice (and already registered with UKCP, BACP or similar registering body).

To apply for the certificate programme, please express your interest using our enquiry form below. 

Please also fill in the online booking form attached below.  You will then be invited for 30min zoom interview to assess whether this programme is suitable for you (there is a £50 assessment fee for the interview) .

“I just want to say a HUGE thank you for the workshop this weekend, and more broadly for the whole training over the last year. I feel so energised and at 'home' with you all, and felt that as soon as I arrived on that first day last year. I feel like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be with the people I'm supposed to be learning from, and for the first time in a long time I feel excited again about what's ahead for my work. It's been really transformational for me professionally already but also personally.  Thank you again it's been a special sort of magic.”

RA - Eco Psychotherapist 

Module 1 - Foundations of  Working  with the Body (more info) 


 The course covers:

  • Grounding techniques and finding a 'safe place' in the body

  • Learning tools for transforming difficult sensations and emotions that clients hold in their bodies, including working with anxiety and physical pain

  • Working with the client’s personal boundaries, and the integrity of the body

  • Working with the ‘problem’ and ‘solution’ through the body

  • Using movement to strengthen the mind-body connection

  • Working with touch to regulate overwhelming feelings and hyper-arousal

  • Using creative imagination and elemental visualisations with clients who have difficulty connecting with their bodies

Module 2 - Healing Trauma and the ‘Animal’ Body (more info)


The course covers:

  • Stabilising and establishing a sense of safety in the body

  • The physiology of fight / flight and freeze

  • Working with fear and anxiety

  • Working safely to release the fight response – anger and aggression

  • Somatic Experiencing techniques for working with trauma

  • Working somatically to re-establish and strengthen boundaries after trauma

  • Helping clients out of a dissociative state and back into their bodies

  • Working with the ‘animal’ body, using visualisation and movement

Modules 3 – Attachment and Trauma (more info)

The course covers:

  • Understanding of attachment trauma

  • The art of non-verbal attunement from moment to moment

  • The use of therapeutic touch in offering the client reparative experiences

  • Exploring habitual postures and gestures and how they relate to attachment trauma

  • Working with proximity seeking actions to support healing of relational wounds

  • Embodied ways of working with protector "parts'

  • Working with abandonment trauma and embodied approach to working with a 'wounded child'

Module  4 – The Body  as Resource in Psychotherapy (more info)

The course covers:    

  • Helping clients to connect to resourceful states through the body

  • Working with voice and movement to get in touch with and give expression to emotions

  • Exploring and strengthening the compassionate part of self through embodiment

  • Learning tools for transforming difficult sensations and emotions that clients hold in their bodies, such as sadness, loss and grief.

  • A transpersonal approach to healing, using visualisation as a way to connect with the body

  • Working somatically with opposite states to utilise the body’s natural healing tendencies

  • Exploring how your own body can be a resource in your practice

Advance skills in Embodied Psychotherapy (more info)

The course covers:

  • How to deepen our intuition and bodily wisdom, so that we can use it as a guide and ‘therapeutic tool’ in our work with clients.​

  • How to work with difficult and suppressed emotions, such as anger and rage, that clients hold in their bodies​

  • Further explore the embodied and creative ways of working with the Parts, helping clients “retire” the old and restrictive protective Parts and develop and “employ” more healthy parts of the psyche to play their roles​

  • Explore the connection between transpersonal and embodied ways of working and how this can support us in having a more holistic picture of our clients​

  • Deepen our understanding and practice of working with client’s relational patterns through movement exploration and much more!


The course can be paid in instalments, before each module and the mentoring sessions can be paid on the day..

£150 discount is offered if you book & pay for the whole one year training in full

(to qualify for this additional discount - the full amount needs to be paid 6 weeks before the start of the first module)

Each weekend module: £265 Standard, £235 Early Bird (6 weeks before each module)
Mentoring: 6 sessions at £75 each
Essay assessment: £200

Total cost for the whole training: £1825 (if paying for modules individually with Early Bird discount)

Total cost for the whole training: £1675 (if paid in one instalment)


Module 1: Foundations of Working with the Body

Stroud: 21-22 October 2023

Online: 2-3 December 2023

London: 6-7 July 2024 

Module 2:
 Healing Trauma and the Animal Body

Stroud: 3-4 February 2024

London: 26-27 October 2024

Module 3: Attachment Trauma and the Body

Stroud: 23-24 March 2024

London: 11-12 January 2025

Module 4: The Body as a Resource in Psychotherapy

Stroud: 18-19 May 2024

London: 8-9 March 2025

Advanced Skills in Integrative Embodied Psychotherapy   

London: 14-15 October 2023

Stroud: 7-8 September 2024

London: Spring 2025 dates TBC

Enquiries about IEP Certificate

Thanks for submitting!

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